MusicWire Magazine -
NewsWire Media WorldWide Publishing
All Rights Reserved - 2011
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MusicWire Magazine is a fast-driving total publication from NewsWire WorldWide Media Publishing Distribution Services, covering a wide variety of the Music & Entertainment Scene across America and around the Blue Globe! 

In our Online Music Magazine you can check the latest Music & Entertainment News, see the latest Reviews on some of the best Musical Groups, Albums and Bands on the Blue Globe. You can see the latest performances and Music Video's of these Groups and their Concerts happening today and see some of the most fantastic Photo's from some of the most astonishing Groups, Events and Concerts performing today. You can also check out the lastest news across a wide spectrum of the Music Scene!

MusicWire Magazine
A NewsWire WorldWide Media Publishing Distribution Services Company

Publisher: NewsWire WorldWide Media Publishing Distribution Services

Mailing Address: PO Box 91, Hardin, KY 42048
Company Offices: 581 Treasure Island Rd. Hardin, KY 42048
Kentucky Lake, USA
Telephone: 270.908.6419 News Line: 815.307.6614


Web Design & Development: MasterPlan Design Solutions


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - JW Davis - Kentucky

ASSOCIATE EDITOR - James A. McDonnell - Florida 

ASSOCIATE EDITOR - Leighton J. Davies - Arizona

SENIOR EDITOR - Martyna McDonnell - Florida

STAFF WRITER - D. Wagley - Illinois

STAFF WRITER - Tennessee  

STAFF WRITER - Lisa Barette - Michigan

STAFF WRITER - Peter Kasbuer - Michigan

STAFF WRITER - Charles Reed - Wisconsin


STAFF WRITER - Amy Davis - Michigan

We are always looking for Writers, Photographers and 
anyone with talent interested in becoming involved with 
this publication. This Magazine is a "People Driven" 
publication with major input from all those who get involved.

We are looking for individuals who are looking to polish their 
Journalistic skills and writing about Music, Concerts, and Entertainment.  

We are also looking for people who would like to practice and put in motion their Photographic endeavors. If you are interested in going to Concerts 
and Entertainment Events, and interviewing Artists, Musicians 
and Actors, then we are looking for you. If you are one of the people 
described here, please feel free to Contact Us at the address, email or telephone numbers listed here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Take Care...

JW Davis - Editor-In-Chief
MusicWire Magazine